s. GrandCh. GIOJA
Black Morion


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Gioja, Fiona, Chelsea

4,5 years old:

3,5 years old, defense training:

3 years old

3 years old, Club show CMC, with Chelsea Black Morion

Gioja, defense training:

Gioja, defense training:

Gioja, 2 years old, Club and specialty show KCHBO, Horka nad Moravou - CAC, ČKŠ; Exc.2, res.CAC

Gioja, 2 roky, NVP Mladá Boleslav - CAC-ČMKU, Národní vítěz, BOS

Gioja, 2 years old

Gioja 22 months old

Gioja - 11 months old, FMBB Písek

Gioja - 11 months old

CACIB České Budějovice, 13.04.2019, Farkles+Gioja+Flér

9 months old:

6 monhts old:

8 weeks old:

5,5 weeks old:

4 weeks old:

Black Morion © 2022